Repatriating Polanyi : Market Society in the Visegrád States / Chris Hann

Bibliographische Detailangaben
VerfasserIn: Hann, Chris (VerfasserIn)
Format: Buch
Veröffentlicht: Budapest ; New York : Central European University Press, [2019]
Online Zugang:Inhaltsverzeichnis
  • Introduction : Karl Polanyi and the transformations of socialism and postsocialism
  • Market principle, market place and the transition in Eastern Europe
  • From production to property : land tenure and citizenship in rural Hungary
  • A new double movement? : anthropological perspectives on property in the age of neoliberalism
  • Awkward classes in rural Eurasia
  • Society at the grassroots : a reactionary view
  • Socialism and King Stephen's right hand
  • Ethnicity in the new civil society : Lemko-Ukrainians in Poland
  • Postsocialist nationalism : rediscovering the past in southeast Poland
  • Polish civil society, the Greek Catholic minority, and fortress Europe
  • The Visegrád condition (freedom and slavery in the neoliberal world)
  • Conclusion : building social Eurasia